Specialised H&S Courses
First Aid Fire and Safety Training presents a range of specialised courses to fulfil our clients’ specific health & safety compliance obligations. These courses are condensed into 1-day sessions, minimizing disruption to work while delivering crucial knowledge and abilities.
We Offer Accredited Health and Safety Specialised Training
Our course variety allows our clients to select the best option for their health and safety teams, ensuring they have the required knowledge and abilities to effectively perform their vital health and safety duties.
Specialised Courses
Evacuation Planning
The purpose of this training is to prepare the health and safety personnel for an unanticipated evacuation of the workplace through simulated drills and running through the full evacuation procedure. This encompasses preparing beforehand, assigning duties, and complying with legal requirements by conducting evacuation drills twice per year.
The presence of hazardous materials or chemicals is a common occurrence in most work environments and job sites, ranging from low-volume and low-toxicity to large amounts with high toxicity to both human health and the environment. To minimise the consequences of any incidents, employers should have some members of their health and safety team receive specialized training from a health and safety training provider on how to handle these hazardous materials.
Stacking and Storage
Having a well-implemented and maintained system for stacking and storing items is crucial in all work settings. A properly managed and controlled environment allows for efficient inventory management, limits unnecessary expenses, promotes a clean and organised work environment, and decreases the chances of accidents and fires.
HIV AIDS Awareness
HIV, or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a widespread epidemic that has impacted millions globally. The virus undermines the body’s defences, leading to the development of AIDS, which is characterised by a decline in immunity and a strengthening of the virus.
First Aid, Fire and Evacuation Responder Skills Program
The three accredited courses that comprise this skills program are a vital component of a company’s legal training requirements for health and safety. The 5-day program provides both hands-on and theoretical instruction in areas such as first aid, firefighting basics, and emergency evacuation planning. To get verification and endorsement, a participant must complete and submit a workplace assignment through the HWSETA site, which can take 4-6 months. Upon completion, only periodic refresher courses are necessary, as the certificate has lifetime validity.
First Aid, Fire and Safety Training - Specialised Courses
We acknowledge the importance of professionalism and the value it brings to our clients and learners, and it is an integral part of our compliance training.
Providing quality specialised training courses through continued professional development, research, and the incorporation of the latest industry trends and knowledge into our courses.
Cost Effective
We understand that cost is often a deciding factor and therefore offer cost-effective individual and group compliance pricing structures.
Ready to start your training?
Download our course guide to view all course information and pricing.